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Month: August 2011

Know Your Customer: From Demographics to Psychographics

For more than half a century, demographics has been the primary method used by those in marketing and advertising to define populations of consumers.

More recently, thanks to interest tracking from social networks, behavioral data from search outlets, and lifecycle forecasting, there are more robust methods for describing potential customers.

Designing a Business Card That Suits You

A business card may very well be the most important marketing tool you’ll ever use to promote your company and yourself.

Business cards are used in a wide variety of ways to inform people about you and your organization. Chances are your business card may serve as artwork for a small publication’s "business card ad" pages. Prospects and customers need them so they can have your contact information. You’ll include them in letters and in the sales materials you leave with prospects.

It seems ironic that a document that is only 3½” x 2” has to “wear a lot of hats.” Here are some tips to consider when you design your business card. (Or have a professional design it for you.)