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Category: Art & Graphic Design

Top Valentine’s Day Printing Designs to Win Hearts

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. It’s a reason for people to buy gifts for that special someone in their lives. It’s also a great opportunity for brands and retailers to present their merchandise in a way that complements this romantic occasion. Seasonal packaging elevates the gifting experience. Tap into your…

How to Make Postcards That Pop!

Postcards are a great way to reach out to customers and prospects with a short and motivating message that can drive sales. You already have (hopefully) a list of your current customers with which to create mailing labels. To get a list of prospects, you can buy one from a list vendor or if you are really clever, swap with a friend or associate in a related business for their list.

A Postcard for Every Purpose: A Dozen Ideas for Marketing with Postcards

Recently updated on October 17th, 2019 at 09:38 pm

Postcards are such versatile marketing vehicles. They’re available in a wide variety of sizes. They can be mailed cheaply – some sizes qualify for deep discounts with bulk mailing. And they communicate instantly – they don’t have to be opened like a letter in an envelope.

5 Easy Marketing Ideas for Small Business Advertising

Recently updated on February 1st, 2018 at 12:21 pmHaving a small budget for advertising shouldn’t discourage marketers from launching campaigns. You’d be surprised how some companies get away with unconventional marketing campaigns that yield outstanding results. These out-of-the-box methods are often referred to as guerilla advertising and they do wonders…

10 Creative 2018 Calendar Designs for Your Inspiration

Recently updated on January 19th, 2018 at 11:27 pmThe new year is almost here, so you know what that means—new calendars! New 2018 calendar designs are here. Every year talented graphic designers work their you-know-whats off designing creative new calendar designs for the upcoming year. Creating a theme for a…